Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rule For Blends Sc And Sk Is There A Phonics Rule For When To Use The Sc Or Sk Blend?

Is there a phonics rule for when to use the sc or sk blend? - rule for blends sc and sk

I tried C & K Government, but this is a skate challenges. We therefore believe that SK has long and short vowels before sc has already been used, but in fear, drawing and the scene will not work. If there is a rule, I would like to know to teach my students so that they can explain their words, right?


dark_pho... said...

There is no rule for it. SC Some words are words, some sk. Perhaps a detailed study of etymology, we find that the words from a source to start with "words, sc SK," while "with another source ... but I doubt that you and your students experts in ancient languages. The only thing to do is practice, practice, practice. I do not know the age of the pupils, but if one grade of 4 or less, you can make fun of the spelling games. For example, create a list of " SC "and" Words SK. Then you say that in May the choir applause for each letter. The children love, and if you will practice these words every day to remember. The rhythm helps. Then, when the children are the palms / CHAnting spelling for a few days to break the children into small groups. Make a list of all the "sc" or "sk words", as they can. Whatever the group longest list wins the words are spelled correctly. The kids love these things.

clophad said...

Find out what words I can use in their vocabulary, to speak and listen and show how they form words legibly by hand on paper. Your confidence will increase by the ideas and thoughts on certain words that are important to them personally. Thus, any "rule" is very well liked, and despite the "rule" is not respected in all cases, you will find.
--- Have you ever tried the following? The inner circle (also called a reservoir), a technique that proclaim that the next meeting of the class we have a class in a classroom with 6 to 15 students discussed in the group and the other as an observer. Class has seats that move? Then arrange the seats in concentric circles. Students, which often speak in silence, if he feels the greatest responsibility as members of the inner circle. This tank can be used in small and large classes. Tell students that choose the next meeting of the classroom teacher to be 6 to 15 students in the glass. "Then a discussion (on the basis of previous work) with students in the pot. Other students act as observers and recorders, with both the process and content of the conversation. Before the end of the lesson, observers write a short summary of the discussion and / or answer the question, "What you said was not said?

littlebi... said...

It is only a part of our messy English. There are always exceptions to the rules of phonetics. Thus the words frequency is high. In the case of some, remember the only thing to do.

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