Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cidp More Condition_symptoms People With CIDP, Have You Been Checked For Heavy Metal Poisoning?

People with CIDP, have you been checked for heavy metal poisoning? - cidp more condition_symptoms

For a moment I thought my father had CIDP, because the symptoms fit perfectly. Because of his left nerve biopsy clearly not a test that is useful (but not always, before they carried out a diagnosis of CIDP), further research. Finally, it appears that poisoning was his problem really heavy metal. It was not immediately apparent because blood tests only show the current exhibition, not in the past or chronic exposure. He was diagnoised after a hair analysis. This meant that chelation is appropriate, but when he got what he was too late. I was so sick he could barely walk or sleep. He died of a heart attack. If heavy metals are tested, if you have that diagnosis.


aneurodo... said...

Tests for heavy metals in the differential diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy routine. There are certain criteria for the diagnosis of CIDP. Are you absolutely sure that it is Heavy Metal? What? Where are you exposed to? If the exposure is not known, have you had the water? I suggest you go back to the neurologist and ask him if they meet all the criteria for a diagnosis. If hair analysis from someone who was not ready, the MD results of distrust.
Some "labs" seem to find many a high level. Takes a lot of hair, should be deported.

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